Our database contains 3458 marriages of the Walsh family
Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.
Our database contains 3458 marriages of the Walsh family
Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.
Year | Husband | Wife | Municipality |
1785 | Francois-Emmanuel Walsh | Marie-Genevieve Bolduc | Saint-Joachim, Qc |
1796 | Thomas Walsh | Mary Kennedy | Barachois, Qc |
1797 | William Donahue | Ann Walsh | Barachois, Qc |
1804 | John Robinson | Margaret Walsh | Quebec, Qc |
1806 | Jean-Baptiste Walsh | Isabelle Gregoire | Sainte-Marie, Qc |
1817 | William Walsh | Suzanne Lerhe | Gaspe, Qc |
1819 | Edmund Mulrooney | Catherine Walsh | Gaspe, Qc |
1821 | Denis Mcnamara | Mary-Ann Walsh | Quebec, Qc |
1821 | Thomas Walsh | Josette Baudon | Quebec, Qc |
1823 | Michel Cogly | Mary Walsh | Montreal, Qc |
1824 | James Walsh | Elizabeth Mcrae | Gaspe, Qc |
1825 | Michael Carrussel | Catherine Walsh | Caraquet, Nb |
1826 | Thomas Rivers | Mary Walsh | Inkerman, Nb |
1826 | Patrick Hanighan | Julie Walsh | Quebec, Qc |
1826 | Mathew Doyle | Mary Walsh | Quebec, Qc |
1826 | James Murphy | Mary Walsh | Montreal, Qc |
1827 | John Walsh | Margaret Reilly | Quebec, Qc |
1827 | Thomas Scantlion | Mary-Ann Walsh | Quebec, Qc |
1828 | William Walsh | Marie-Anne Collin | Petit-Rocher, Nb |
1828 | John Enright | Joanna Walsh | Quebec, Qc |
For the moment, no text has been submitted for this family.
For the moment, no text has been submitted for this family.
For the moment, no text has been submitted for this family.
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