Our database contains 71 marriages of the Poirier-Desloges family
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Our database contains 71 marriages of the Poirier-Desloges family
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Joseph Poirier-Desloges was born around 1685 in St-Maurice, Lathus St Remy, in Poitou (Vienne), France. Son of Jacques Poirier and Francoise Brunet, he married Marie-Josephe Marguerite Gauthier-Sanguingorra on September 16, 1709 in Notre-Dame, Montreal. Eight children were born from their union. Widower, he married his second wife Marie-Marguerite Lalande-Latreille-Mauger on January 12, 1729 in St-Joachim of Pointe-Claire. Twelve children were born of their union. He was a soldier of the Lacorne company. He died on February 23, 1754 and was buried the next day at Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue.
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POIRIER-DESLOGES - from (Le) Poirier. Refers to one who comes from one of the localities of the name in France. Or nickname from the fruit tree. Desloges comes from (des) Loges, also derived from some localities in France.
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