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Marriages of the Parr family

Our database contains 323 marriages of the Parr family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

1817 Saint-Pierre-Les-Becquets, Qc

1826 Saint-Pierre-Les-Becquets, Qc

1831 Saint-Pierre-Les-Becquets, Qc

1841 Saint-Louis-De-Blandford, Qc

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Marriages of the Parr family

Our database contains 323 marriages of the Parr family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

Year Husband Wife Municipality
1788 Charles Bergeron Angelique Parr Becancour, Qc
1795 Joseph Parr Margarite Gauthier-Caron Becancour, Qc
1802 Francois-Regis Parr Marie Desilets Becancour, Qc
1802 David Parr Louise Gagnon Becancour, Qc
1814 Francois Poirier Pelagie Parr Becancour, Qc
1817 Francois Parr Esther Baril Saint-Pierre-Les-Becquets, Qc
1824 Charles Parr Josephte Dumont Trois-Rivieres, Qc
1826 Olivier Mailhot Marie Parr Saint-Pierre-Les-Becquets, Qc
1826 Joseph Parr Josephte Dehurel-Flamand Trois-Rivieres, Qc
1830 Moise Parr Madeleine Landry Becancour, Qc
1831 Pierre Nault Sophie Parr Saint-Pierre-Les-Becquets, Qc
1833 Joseph Parr Scolastique Ouellet Becancour, Qc
1836 David Parr Julie Hebert Becancour, Qc
1840 Moise Parr Appoline Rheault Becancour, Qc
1841 Joseph Ayotte Julie Parr Trois-Rivieres, Qc
1841 Pierre Parr Julie Brule Saint-Louis-De-Blandford, Qc
1842 Joseph Parr Lucie Helie Becancour, Qc
1845 David Parr Julie Poisson Becancour, Qc
1853 Francois Richard Louise Parr Becancour, Qc
1863 Francois Pruneau Julie Parr Tingwick, Qc

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In addition to marriages we have 455 other documents for the Parr family

Pioneers of the Parr family

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Origin of last name Parr

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Famous personalities of the Parr family

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3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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