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Similar surnames: Farell , Farrel , Farrell
See the list of all O-FarrellOur database contains 1434 marriages of the O-Farrell family
Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.
Our database contains 1434 marriages of the O-Farrell family
Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.
Year | Husband | Wife | Municipality |
1798 | Michel Barette | Marie-Catherine Farel | Laval, Qc |
1811 | William Farrel | Marie Hurley | Montreal, Qc |
1820 | Peter Condon | Catherine Farell | Montreal, Qc |
1822 | Thomas Kavanagh | Anna Farrell | Montreal, Qc |
1822 | George Farrel | Bridget Keeffe | Montreal, Qc |
1823 | Christopher Butler | Catherine Farrell | Quebec, Qc |
1826 | Michael Farrel | Elisabeth Hamilton | Montreal, Qc |
1827 | Thomas Scott | Ellen Farrel | Montreal, Qc |
1827 | Michael Farrell | Catherine Morrissey | Quebec, Qc |
1827 | James Farrell | Ann Kerwin | Quebec, Qc |
1828 | James Farrell | Ellen Callaghan | Quebec, Qc |
1828 | Michael Fahey | Marie-Anne Farrell | Quebec, Qc |
1829 | William Ruthven | Sarah Farrell | Quebec, Qc |
1829 | James Farrel | Marguerite Byrne | Montreal, Qc |
1830 | John Rafter | Marie-Anne Farrel | Montreal, Qc |
1830 | James Malony | Catherine Farrel | Montreal, Qc |
1830 | Daniel Heenon | Judith Farrel | Saint-Raphaels, On |
1831 | Patrick Gordon | Catherine Farrell | Quebec, Qc |
1831 | John Farrell | Esther Lawlor | Quebec, Qc |
1831 | John Midforth | Ann Farrell | Montreal, Qc |
For the moment, no text has been submitted for this family.
For the moment, no text has been submitted for this family.
For the moment, no text has been submitted for this family.
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