Similar surnames: Malet , Malette , Mallet , Mallette
See the list of all MallettOur database contains 1491 marriages of the Mallett family
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Our database contains 1491 marriages of the Mallett family
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Denis Mallet was born in Alençon, Orne, France. The year of his birth is unknown. Son of Louis and Renée Baudouille, he married Marie-Madeleine Jérémie, daughter of Noël and Jeanne Pelletier, on October 14, 1695. The location of the marriage is unknown. They had 3 children. A widow, he married Geneviève Liénard, daughter of Sébastien and Françoise Pelletier, on November 10, 1699 in Ste-Foy. They had 3 children. A master sculptor and a master carpenter, he settled in Quebec. In 1701, he was incarcerated because he wanted to travel to Mississippi without having the governor's permission. He was buried on November 1, 1704 in Montreal.
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Pierre Mallet was baptized on July 1, 1629 in St-Coulomb, Ille-et-Vilaine, France. Son of Jean and Guillemette Ruellan, he married Marie-Anne Hardy, daughter of René and Renée Noget, on October 23, 1662, in Montreal. They had six children. He came to New France since 1653 and settled in Montreal. As of 1667, he speculated on lands. In 1681 he owned 3 heads of cattle and 15 acres of land. In 1705, he cancelled before the notary acts that was passed by his wife and the banknotes issued without his authorisation and mentioned that she must obtain his authorisation if she wants to make any transaction. He died between 1699 and 1707.
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