Our database contains 1526 marriages of the Maher family
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Our database contains 1526 marriages of the Maher family
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Jean-Baptiste-Maher Myer was born on January 9th, 1847 in Belgium. Son of Charles Maher-Myer and Christine Vanneine he married Seraphine Hamilton, daughter of William and Sarah Volant-DuChamplain, on November 5th, 1877 in Montreal. Arrived in the country in 1870, he settled down in Montreal. The date of his death, happened after the 1901 census, is still unknown.
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MAHER – Equivalent of MAYER, alteration of MAGUET, from the Breton 'maget' which means fed. Surname of a foundling and raised by a nanny. Also of Irish origin, variant of O'MAHER, O'MEACHAIR (meaning hospital) O'Meagher.
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