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History and origin of the Gaudin family

Similar surnames: Godin , Godin-Chatillon , Godin-Felix , Goodine , Gooding

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Marriages of the Gaudin family

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Marriages of the Gaudin family

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In addition to marriages we have 1817 other documents for the Gaudin family

Pioneers of the Gaudin family

Charles Godin-Gaudin was born around 1632 in Aubermesnil-Beaumais, Seine-Maritime, France. Son of Jacques Godin and Marguerite Nieule-Nicole, he married Marie Boucher, daughter of Marin and Perrine Mallet, on November 6, 1656 in Ste-Anne-du-Petit-Cap. 17 children were born from this union. In the country in 1656, he settled in Ange-Gardien. He was confirmed at Château-Richer in 1660. In 1681, he owns 1 gun, 6 head of cattle and 20 acres of land. In 1692 he unsuccessfully sought the arrest of one who had abused his minor daughter, who was now pregnant. The date of his death is unknown but it is estimated around March 7, 1709.

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Origin of last name Gaudin

GODIN / GAUDIN - Derived from the Germanic name 'Godo', from 'god' which means' god ', or diminutive from Waldo' s French variant (Gaud), which comes from 'wald' which means' authority '.

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Famous personalities of the Gaudin family

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