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Similar surnames: Gaudette , Godet , Godette
See the list of all GaudetOur database contains 4693 marriages of the Gaudet family
Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.
Our database contains 4693 marriages of the Gaudet family
Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.
Year | Husband | Wife | Municipality |
Claude Gaudet | Marguerite Belou | ||
Claude Gaudet | Marguerite Belou | ||
Joseph Bernard | Marie-Josephe Gaudet | ||
1620 | Nicolas Gaudet | Francoise Gadois | |
1621 | Jean Gaudet | Inconnue Inconnu | |
1643 | Nicolas Gaillou | Vivienne Godet | |
1645 | Denis Gaudet | Martine Gauthier | |
1645 | Denis Gaudet | Martine Gauthier | |
1650 | Daniel Leblanc | Francoise Gaudet | |
1650 | Etienne Hebert | Marie Gaudet | |
1652 | Jehan Gaudet | Nicole Colleson | |
1658 | Nicolas Gaudet | Marguerite Picard | |
1663 | Pierre Vincent | Anne Gaudet | |
1663 | Pierre Vincent | Anne Gaudet | |
1666 | Olivier Daigre | Marie Gaudet | |
1671 | Pierre Gaudet | Anne Blanchard | |
1676 | Dominique Gareau | Marie Gaudet | |
1681 | Jacques Hubert-Lacroix | Marie Gaudet | |
1685 | Pierre-Esprit Radisson | Margareth-Charlotte Godet | |
1698 | Jacques Gaudet | Marguerite Duguay | Trois-Rivieres, Qc |
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For the moment, no text has been submitted for this family.
For the moment, no text has been submitted for this family.
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