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Similar surnames: Amiot-Villeneuve , Amyot
See the list of all Amyot-VilleneuveOur database contains 187 marriages of the Amyot-Villeneuve family
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Our database contains 187 marriages of the Amyot-Villeneuve family
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Mathieu Amiot-Villeneuve was born circa 1626 in Estrées, Aisne, France. Son of Philippe Amiot and Anne Convent, he married Marie Miville, daughter of Pierre and Charlotte Magis, on November 22, 1650 in Quebec. They had 15 children. He came in New France with his parents and brother. In order to become an interpreter, he travelled with the Jesuits to meet indians and learn their languages. He realized this life was not for him so he settled in Quebec. In 1668, he lost his rights of the nobility when he did not register his letters issued by the King. His received, in compensation, the Seigneurie de Pointe-aux-Bouleaux. He died on December 18, 1688 in Quebec and was buried the next day.
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