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Build my
family tree

Easy and fast
Reliable and beautiful

Begin my family tree for free

Complete the form to begin

  • You
  • Parents

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It's free and confidential !

I already have a tree on
I have a family tree elsewhere (Gedcom)

How to build my family tree ?

No need to know and it's fast!

Family tree building - step 1

Step 1

Enter your name and your parents'

Family tree building - step 2

Step 2

Enter any other information you have about your ancestors

Family tree building - step 3

Step 3

Find your ancestors automatically in seconds

Genealogiy made simple

See how easy it is!

Why build a family
tree with


Build your family tree with the data you know or import a tree you already have elsewhere. Share it and print it.

Easy to use and fast

With a single icon, build your tree almost automatically adding up to thousands of ancestors per click *. It is the easiest and most reliable way to build your tree.
*The number of ancestors varies according to the situation; requires package

Add photos and information

Add as many photos as you want to each person in your tree. Add texts describing the lives of people you know.

Celebrities and historical figures

Identify * the historical figures in your tree, such as king's daughters, nobles, ... Get the link that unites you to celebrities like François Legault, Justin Trudeau, Celine Dion, Madonna, ...
*Requires package

Share the tree with your family

Invite your friends and family to view your tree and even make suggestions online.

Print your family tree

Great gifts. Use one of our professional designs to have your tree printed in large format on high quality paper or as a PDF file*. A family book is also available *.
*Low fees

Instantly complete your tree with our data

Complete your family tree

Instantly complete your tree with our data

Two ways to get your family tree :

Premium Services
It is magic!
The fast and reliable method to build your genealogy.

Discover Premium Services

Genealogy made by our experts
No effort on your part. Get a beautiful document.

Discover Genealogy made by our experts

Beautiful family trees

Print your family tree or a family book.

Impression d'arbre généalogique

Frame not included

  • Professional design

  • Several kinds of family trees

  • From 12x16 in. à 62x52 in.

  • Bounded family book

  • High quality paper

  • Origin of your ancestors (optional)

  • Origin of your name (optional)

Get more
Family tree print

Frame not included

Join millions of members and learn about your family history

A family tree is about finding your origins and understanding the history of your family

Build your family tree for free

Begin my family tree


Contact us

Write to us
1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


Contact us

Write to us
1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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