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Alice-M Maltais: Genealogy, Obituaries, Marriages, Births

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Obituary of Alice-M Maltais ( - 2007)

Alice-M. Maltais, died on March 8, 2007.

Obituary: MALTAIS, ALICE M. (STARKEY) - 90, formerly of Waterville, in South Portland, March 8, 2007. Celebration of life and interment TBA. Gallant Funeral Home, 10 Elm St., Waterville.

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Obituary of Alice-M. -(Starkey) Maltais (1916 - 2007)

Alice-M. -(Starkey) Maltais, born in 1916, spouse of Robert-A. Maltais, daughter of Bert and Alwilda, mother of Robert A. Maltais and Pauline A, died on March 8, 2007 at 90 years old.

Obituary: Alice M. (Starkey) Maltais, 90    SOUTH PORTLAND -- Alice M. (Starkey) Maltais, 90, formerly of Waterville, passed away     peacefully March 8, 2007, with her family at her side at the home of her daughter and son-in-law in South Portland.     Alice was born Oct. 1, 1916, in China, Maine, the daughter of [...]

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Obituary of Alice Maltais

Alice Maltais, died at 90 years old.

Obituary: Maltais, Alice M. (Starkey), 90, of South Portland died March 8 in South Portland.

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Obituary of Marie-Alice-Thibeault Maltais (1914 - 2008)

Photo of Marie-Alice-Thibeault Maltais

Marie-Alice-Thibeault Maltais, born in 1914, spouse of Paul-Emile Mailhot, daughter of Thomas-Louis and Athais, mother of Paul-Émile, Claudien, Albert, Armandine and Georgette, died on December 13, 2008 at 94 years old.

Obituary: MAILHOT-MALTAIS (Mme Marie-Alice Thibeault) Le 13 décembre 2008 est décédée à Mistassini, à l'âge de 94 ans 2 mois, Mme Marie-Alice Thibeault, fille de feu M. Thomas-Louis Thibeault et de feu dame Athais Gagné, épouse en premières noces de feu M. Léon Maltais et en secondes noces de feu M. [...]

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Obituary of Blanche-Alice-Tremblay Maltais (1918 - 2009)

Photo of Blanche-Alice-Tremblay Maltais

Blanche-Alice-Tremblay Maltais, born in 1918, spouse of William Maltais, daughter of Francois and Alice, mother of Huguette, Ruth, Raymond, Bernard, Gaétane, Carole, Gérald and Lise, died on February 23, 2009 at 91 years old and 4 months.

Obituary: MALTAIS (Mme Blanche-Alice Tremblay) Le 23 février 2009, est décédée à Hébertville-Station, à l'âge de 91 ans et 4 mois, Mme Blanche-Alice Tremblay, fille de feu M. François Tremblay et de feu dame Alice Michaud, épouse de feu M. William Maltais, demeurant au 8 rue Notre-Dame, Hébertville-Station. La famille reçoit [...]

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Obituary of Rose-Alice Maltais (1918 - 2009)

Photo of Rose-Alice Maltais

Rose-Alice Maltais, born in 1918, spouse of Joseph-Henri Potvin, mother of Aurèle, Nicole, Roger and Claire, died on March 8, 2009 at 91 years old and 7 months.

Obituary: MALTAIS (Mme Rose-Alice) Le 8 mars 2009, est décédée au Pavillon Le Normandie d'Alma, à l'âge de 91 ans et 7 mois, Mme Rose-Alice Maltais, épouse de feu M. Joseph-Henri Potvin, demeurant anciennement au 1050 rue Scott, Alma. La famille accueillera les parents et amis au Complexe funéraire Bérubé & [...]

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Obituary of Rose-Alice Maltais (1918 - 2009)

Photo of Rose-Alice Maltais

Rose-Alice Maltais, born in 1918, spouse of Joseph-Henri Potvin, mother of Aurèle, Nicole, Roger and Claire, died on March 8, 2009 at 91 years old and 7 months.

Obituary: MALTAIS (Mme Rose-Alice) Le 8 mars 2009, est décédée au Pavillon Le Normandie d'Alma, à l'âge de 91 ans et 7 mois, Mme Rose-Alice Maltais, épouse de feu M. Joseph-Henri Potvin, demeurant anciennement au 1050 rue Scott, Alma. La famille accueillera les parents et amis au Complexe funéraire Bérubé & [...]

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Obituary of Alice-R Maltais (1921 - 2012)

Alice-R. Maltais, born in 1921, daughter of Alfred and Mary, died on March 22, 2012 at 90 years old.

Obituary: CONCORD - Alice R. Maltais, 90, died Thursday, March 22, 2012, following a brief period of declining health. Alice was born in New Haven, Conn., on Sept. 20, 1921, the daughter of Alfred and Mary (Carey) Rockwell, and was raised in Kingston, N.Y. She enlisted in the Army Corps of [...]

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