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Alan Richard, born in 1965, son of Ovila and Doris, died on December 7, 2006 at 41 years old.
Obituary: Alan Richard 1965 - 2006 BANGOR, ME - Alan Richard died of a heart attack on December 7th, 2006 in Bangor, Maine at the age of 41. Born in Waltham, MA on February 7th, 1965. He is survived by his father, Ovila Richard, Acadieville, NB; his mother, Doris Richard, Moncton, [...]
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Family-Placed-Richard-Alan-Bruno Richard, born in 1950, son of Albert and Laura, father of Annamarie, Kelly and Lauren, died on January 12, 2010 at 59 years old.
Obituary: Family-Placed ObituaryRICHARD ALAN BRUNO Richard Alan Bruno, 59, died tragically during the earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010, while volunteering with a group of students from Lynn University. Born on November 10, 1950, in McKeesport, PA, to Albert and Laura Bruno, he graduated from Duke University and then the [...]
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Goodfellow Allan Richard, born in 1925, spouse of Mildred May Goodfellow, father of Carol, Robin and Richard, died on May 19, 2015.
Obituary: ALLAN RICHARD GOODFELLOW (1925 - 2015) À l''Hôtel-Dieu de Sherbrooke le 19 mai 2015, est décédé M. Allan Richard Goodfellow, né le 27 mars 1925, époux de feu Mildred May Goodfellow (née Brock). La famille vous accueillera à la Résidence funéraire Cass, 3006 rue College, Sherbrooke le lundi [...]
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