Similar surnames: Vannier , Vannier-Vanier
See the list of all VanierOur database contains 1731 marriages of the Vanier family
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Our database contains 1731 marriages of the Vanier family
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Guillaume Vanier-lafontaine was born circa 1645 in Honfleur, Calvados, France. Son of Pierre Vanier and Jacqueline Gaillard, he married Madeleine Bailly, daughter of Guillaume and Barbe Sellier, on July 5, 1672 in Quebec. From this union were born 6 children. In New France since 1668 and was confirmed the same year in Montreal. After, he moved to Quebec and then settled in Charlesbourg. He his know as a maître chandelier (master candelstick) and a carter. In exchange of commodities and various objects like a rifle, he went to fight the Iroquois. On his way back home, he accidentally killed himself with his rifle. He was buried in Montreal on August 27, 1687.
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Germain Vanier was born circa 1647 in Beauvais, Oise, France. Son of Christophe and Jeanne Planton, he married Marie Cartignier-Carthigny, daughter of Robert and Bonne Colombier, On September 30, 1669 in Quebec. From this union were born 7 children. After his wedding, he settled in St-Bernard de Charlesbourg. In 1681 he owned2 heads of catlle and 6 acres of land. He died before April 8, 1685, the days his widow received a concession from the Hôtel-Dieu of Quebec's nuns.
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