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Obituary of Frances-Lenora-Mae Fleming -

Frances-Lenora-Mae Fleming, born in 1927, daughter of Miles and Lola-Mae-Bull, died on April 1, 2013 at 86 years old. Please consult the obituary here:

Obituary of Frances-Lenora-Mae Fleming

Picture of Frances-Lenora-Mae Fleming

Frances Lenora Mae Fleming PAULINE, SC-- Frances Lenora Mae Fleming, 86, formerly of the Golightly Community of Pauline, died Monday, April 1, 2013, at Park Place Assisted Living-Spartanburg. Born January 18, 1927, in Pauline, SC, she was the daughter of the late Miles Roland and Lola Mae Bull Fleming. Frances was valedictorian of Glenn Springs School and graduated with "A's" from Pauline High School. She joined Golightly United Methodist Church in 1944 and served on numerous committees: president of the Women's Society of Christian Service, as counselor of older youth of the United Methodist Youth Fellowship along with Elsie Groce, and also taught a youth Sunday School Class. She was a seamstress for 40 years and retired from Hamrick's Clothing. Surviving are her brothers, Albert Fleming and David Fleming, both of Spartanburg, SC, Rev. Larry Fleming of Chesnee, SC, and Cecil Fleming of Spartanburg, SC; sisters, Irene Fleming Owens of Roebuck, SC, and Myrtle Fleming Wyatt of Spartanburg, SC; and lifelong friend, Elsie Groce. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by a brother, Miles R. Fleming Jr. Visitation will be 6:00-8:00 PM Wednesday, April 3, 2013, at Floyd's North Church Street Chapel, 235 N. Church St., Spartanburg, SC 29306. Funeral services will be conducted at 2:00 PM Thursday, April 4, 2013, at Golightly United Methodist Church, by the Rev. Dr. Louis D. Jamison and the Rev. Marvin Crowe. Burial will be in Philadelphia Baptist Church Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Golightly United Methodist Church, 34 Coastline Drive, Inman, SC 29349. The family is at their respective homes. An online guest register is available at Floyd's North Church Street Chapel

Picture of Frances-Lenora-Mae Fleming

Obituary Publication:

On April 3, 2013 (Spartanburg Herald-Journal, , États-Unis)


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