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Obituary of Marilyn-Elizabeth Jackson -

Marilyn-Elizabeth Jackson, died on August 28, 2008. Please consult the obituary here:

Obituary of Marilyn-Elizabeth Jackson

JACKSON Marilyn Elizabeth "Susie" Passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in a MVA August 28, 2008. Susie is survived by her children Billy and Tammie, grandchildren; Klien, Jenna and Jill. Siblings; Brian, Michael and Dawn, many other family and friends. She will be forever missed and never forgotten. A service will be held TBA in Ontario with her family. Thank to everyone who helped take care of mom in Merritt, Kamloops and Karen at CanAmex.

Obituary Publication:

On September 14, 2008 (The Vancouver Sun, British Columbia)


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3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
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