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Obituary of Charles-S. Carrigan -

Charles-S. Carrigan, born in 1932, spouse of Frances-M. Carrigan, son of Daniel and Mary-Ellen, father of Rob, Mark, Ronald and Patrick, died at 79 years old. Please consult the obituary here:

Obituary of Charles-S. Carrigan

August 16, 2012 Charles S. Chuck Carrigan, 79, of Syracuse, passed away Thursday at St. Joseph's Hospital. He was born November 28, 1932, in Syracuse, son of Daniel Carrigan and Mary Ellen Spies. He last worked at Super Heat Treating in Syracuse for over 20 years. Chuck was a past member of the Knights of Columbus, a communicant of the Basilica of Sacred Heart Church and a member of the Polish Home of Syracuse. He was predeceased by his wife, Frances M. Carrigan, in 1994. He is survived by four sons, Patrick, Ronald (Lisa), Mark and Rob Carrigan, all of Syracuse; sister Rhea Szpunar; four grandchildren, Jennifer, Patrick Jr., Benjamin and Robert Carrigan Jr. Calling hours will be Monday from 4 to 7 p.m. at New Comer Funeral Home, 705 N. Main St., North Syracuse. Services will be Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the funeral home. Burial will take place at Sacred Heart Cemetery, Geddes. Contributions may be made to the ;(function() { var adKeyValue = 't='; adKeyValue+= escape('clio=AHA'); adKeyValue += escape('&cobrand=syracuse'); adKeyValue += escape('&linktext=American Heart Association'); adKeyValue += escape('&linkurl='); adKeyValue += escape('&fn=Charles'); adKeyValue += escape('&ln=Carrigan'); var adClkUrl = '' + adKeyValue + '&sz=1x1&c=1561304207'; var adImpUrl = '' + adKeyValue + '&sz=1x1&c=1561304207'; document.write("<a href='" + adClkUrl + "' target=_blank>American Heart Association<" + 'img' + " src='" + adImpUrl + "' style='width=1px; height=1px; display:inline;' /></a>"); }());. To leave a special message for the family, please visit

Obituary Publication:

On August 18, 2012 (Syracuse Post Standard, , États-Unis)


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