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Obituary of Alice-Mae Jones -

Alice-Mae Jones, born in 1928, spouse of Emanuel Jones, daughter of Rebecca-T, mother of Bettie, Princella, Jimmie, Annie, Al, Emanuel and Frankie, died on November 28, 2003 at 75 years old. Please consult the obituary here:

Obituary of Alice-Mae Jones

JONES, Alice Mae, age 75, a resi-dent of Montgomery, AL, expired November 28, 2003 in a local nurs-ing home. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, December 6, 2003 at 1:00 p.m. from E. G. Cum-mings Memorial Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Robert S. McWil-liams officiating. Interment will be held at Kindle Cemetery with E. G. Cummings Memorial Funeral Home, Inc., Directing.She leaves to cherish her memories a devoted husband, Emanuel Jones; two sons, Frankie (Sharon) McWilliams and Emanuel (Gloria) McWilliams of Montgomery, AL; six daughters, Annie Johnson of Cleve-land, OH, Gloria Calhoun, Rose (Le-slie) Moore, Mary (Alfonso) Cren-shaw, Angel (Alvin) Grant, Annie R. Harris, all of Montgomery, AL. She was preceded in death by her mother, Rebecca T. McWilliams and three children, Jimmie Lee, Princella and Bettie; three suppor-tive sisters, Bertha (Herman) Roper, Adell Anderson, Bernice Johnson, all of Montgomery, AL; four broth-ers, George (Elizabeth) McWilliams, John Henry (Ann) McWilliams, JC McWilliams and Earnest Lee Thompson, all of Montgomery, AL; mother-in-law, Late Eddie Lue No-bles; grandchildren, Barbara A. McWilliams, Galvaston, TX, Eddie Lee McWilliams, Marvin and Major Franklin, Vodney Cleveland, Moni-que, Tynicka McWilliams, Deane Cleveland, Nickie Cleveland, Bran-di Calhoun, Ashley Harris, Jason Harris, NuRodney McWilliams, Al-phonso Crenshaw, Jr., Tiffany Cren-shaw, UnDonna Moore, Shequqa Harris, Leslie Moore, Jr., Antuan Hunt, Darnell and Andrian Grant, David, Carissa, Booker T., Neal and Alice Ann of Montgomery, AL, Pep-per, Theresa and Carissa of Cleve-land, OH and a host of nieces, ne-phews, other relatives and very de-voted friends.

Obituary Publication:

On December 5, 2003 (Montgomery Advertiser, , États-Unis)


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