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Avis de décès de Helen-Frances Morrison - Nécrologie -

Helen-Frances Morrison, conjointe de Charles Barclay, fille de Neil et Esther, mère de Neil, est décédée le 29 décembre 2004. Veuillez consulter son avis de décès ici:

Avis de décès de Helen-Frances Morrison

Barclay, Helen Frances (nee Morrison). Following a long and courageous battle with cardio-pulmonary disease, Helen passed away peacefully in the early morning hours of December 29th at St. Mary's Hospital (Montreal) a week shy of her 78th birthday. A long-time employee of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association and the Fraser-Hickson Library, an active member of St. Monica's Parish and a resident of St. Patrick's Square. The daughter of Esther Love and Neil Morrison, she was raised in a family of strong women, including her Aunts Helen, Florence and Ethel Love. Predeceased by her husband Charles Barclay in 1980, she was greatly loved and will be keenly missed by her son Neil (Toronto), cousins Elizabeth MacDiarmid (Ottawa), Elaine Stoicoiu (Calgary), Esther Cuthbertson (Plantation FL), Gordon Love (Edmonton) and Ruth Breton (Burlington ON); in-laws Mary Barclay, Susan and Pat Devlin and June Barclay; and scores of nieces, nephews and cousins. Throughout her life Helen was blessed with a multitude of friends, including two who were with her for more than seventy years, Norma Boissonneault and Mary-Lou Dooling and their families. In recent years she was watched over with love and care by Hope Garneau, Connie Dodge, Mary O'Toole, Mary McDonald, Aileen Kilbertus, Evelyn Adam and Pat McKeown. Grateful thanks to all the health-care workers who laboured mightily to help her; to the NDG Volunteers' Bureau for their dedicated assistance; and to Sara Lederman and Paula Habib of the CLSC René Cassin for their gentle ministrations. Visitation at the Kane & Fetterly Funeral Home, 5301 Decarie Blvd., (corner Isabella) on Sunday from 2-5 & 7-9 p.m. Funeral Mass at St. Monica's Parish on Monday, January 2nd at 11:00 a.m. In light of the devestation in South Asia, please honour Helen's memory by donating to the Red Cross.

Parution de l'avis de décès:

Le 29 décembre 2004 (Kane et Fetterly, Montréal, QC)

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1 888 868-0005

C. P. 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch. des Quatre-Bourgeois
Québec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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