Year | Type | Subject | Location | Source |
1847 |
Baptism |
M. Georgiana Lavalle | Saint-Lin, QC |
Vital records |
abt. 1854 |
Birth |
Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1891 |
1854 |
Burial |
Marie-Georgiana Lavallee | Saint-Norbert, QC |
Vital records |
abt. 1858 |
Birth |
Georgianna Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1891 |
abt. 1860 |
Birth |
Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1891 |
abt. 1860 |
Birth |
Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1881 |
abt. 1862 |
Birth |
Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1881 |
abt. 1862 |
Birth |
Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1891 |
abt. 1862 |
Birth |
Georgianna Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1931 |
abt. 1862 |
Birth |
Georgianna Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1931 |
1863 |
Baptism |
Marie-Georgiana-Clara Lavallee | Sorel, QC |
Vital records |
abt. 1865 |
Birth |
Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1891 |
1866 |
Baptism |
M. Georgiana Lavallee | Sainte-elisabeth, QC |
Vital records |
1866 |
Marriage |
Ludger Mathieu & M. -Georgianne Paquet-Lavallee | Saint-Lin, Qc |
Vital records |
abt. 1871 |
Birth |
Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1881 |
abt. 1873 |
Birth |
Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Canadian Census of the Prairie Provinces, 1926 |
1873 |
Marriage |
Felix Martineau-St-Onge & Georgiana Paquet-Lavalle | Saint-Paulin, Qc |
Vital records |
abt. 1874 |
Birth |
Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1891 |
abt. 1874 |
Birth |
Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1931 |
1874 |
Marriage |
Prosper Duteau-Grandpre & Georgiana Lavallee | Berthierville, Qc |
Vital records |
1875 |
Marriage |
Charles Bonin & Georgiana Lavallee | Berthierville, Qc |
Vital records |
abt. 1876 |
Birth |
Georgianna Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1881 |
abt. 1876 |
Birth |
Georgianna Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1931 |
1876 |
Burial |
Georgiana Lavallee | Sainte-elisabeth, QC |
Vital records |
abt. 1877 |
Birth |
Georgianna Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1891 |
abt. 1878 |
Birth |
Georgianna Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1881 |
1881 |
Census |
Georgiana Lavallee | Sorel, QC |
Census of Canada, 1881 |
1881 |
Census |
Georgianna Lavallee | Saint- Roch, QC |
Census of Canada, 1881 |
1881 |
Census |
Georgiana Lavallee | Saint- Pierre, QC |
Census of Canada, 1881 |
1881 |
Census |
Georgianna Lavallee | Saint- Roch, QC |
Census of Canada, 1881 |
1882 |
Baptism |
Marie-Georgiana-Elisabeth Lavallee | Sorel, QC |
Vital records |
1882 |
Baptism |
Marie-Georgiana Lavallee | Sorel, QC |
Vital records |
abt. 1882 |
Birth |
Georgianna Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1891 |
1882 |
Burial |
Marie-Georgiana-Elisabeth Lavallee | Sorel, QC |
Vital records |
abt. 1883 |
Birth |
Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1891 |
1884 |
Marriage |
Dolphis Souliere & M. -Georgina Lavallee | Berthierville, Qc |
Vital records |
abt. 1885 |
Birth |
Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1931 |
abt. 1885 |
Birth |
Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1931 |
abt. 1886 |
Marriage |
Jean-Baptiste Roch & Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Vital records |
1889 |
Baptism |
Marie-Georgiana Lavallee | Sorel, QC |
Vital records |
1891 |
Baptism |
Marie-Louise-Emma-Georgiana Lavallee | Sainte-Anne-de-Sorel, QC |
Vital records |
1891 |
Census |
Georgianna Lavallee | Cap-Sante, QC |
Census of Canada, 1891 |
1891 |
Census |
Georgianna Lavallee | Cap-Sante, QC |
Census of Canada, 1891 |
1891 |
Census |
Georgiana Lavallee | St-Basile, QC |
Census of Canada, 1891 |
1891 |
Census |
Georgiana Lavallee | St-Pierre, QC |
Census of Canada, 1891 |
1891 |
Census |
Georgiana Lavallee | Sorel (City), QC |
Census of Canada, 1891 |
1891 |
Census |
Georgiana Lavallee | Sorel (City), QC |
Census of Canada, 1891 |
abt. 1891 |
Marriage |
Felix St-Onge & Georgina Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Vital records |
1893 |
Baptism |
Marie-Rose-Georgianna Lavallee | Sorel, QC |
Vital records |
1893 |
Burial |
Marie-Rose-Georgianna Lavallee | Sorel, QC |
Vital records |
abt. 1894 |
Birth |
Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1931 |
1895 |
Baptism |
Marie-Louise-Alice-Georgiana Lavallee | Sorel, QC |
Vital records |
abt. 1895 |
Birth |
Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1931 |
1895 |
Marriage |
Joseph Perron & Georgiana Lavallee | Saint-Roch-De-Richelieu, Qc |
Vital records |
1896 |
Marriage |
Arthur Brien & Georgiana Lavallee | Sainte-Anne-De-La-Rochelle, Qc |
Vital records |
1896 |
Burial |
Marie-Louise-Alice-Georgiana Lavallee | Sorel, QC |
Vital records |
1897 |
Baptism |
Marie-Berthe-Georgiana Lavallee | Sorel, QC |
Vital records |
abt. 1897 |
Birth |
Georgianna Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1931 |
1897 |
Burial |
Marie-Berthe-Georgiana Lavallee | Sorel, QC |
Vital records |
abt. 1900 |
Marriage |
Felix St-Onge & Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Vital records |
abt. 1901 |
Marriage |
Charles Bonin & Georgianna Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Vital records |
abt. 1902 |
Marriage |
Edouard Langevin & Georgianna Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Vital records |
abt. 1902 |
Marriage |
Joseph Desrochers & Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Vital records |
abt. 1903 |
Birth |
Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1931 |
1903 |
Marriage |
Adelard Godin & Georgiana Lavallee | Cap-Sante, Qc |
Vital records |
abt. 1904 |
Birth |
Georgiana Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Census of Canada, 1931 |
1904 |
Marriage |
Herve L-Homme & Georgiana Lavallee | Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc |
Vital records |
1904 |
Marriage |
Alfred Duquette & Georgiana Lavallee | Saint-Germain-De-Grantham, Qc |
Vital records |
abt. 1904 |
Marriage |
Joseph Guilbault & Georgianna Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Vital records |
1904 |
Burial |
Marie-Georgiana-Corinne Paquet-Lavallee | Quebec, QC |
Vital records |
1905 |
Marriage |
Albert Beliveau & Georgiana Lavallee | Sorel, Qc |
Vital records |
1907 |
Marriage |
Napoleon Ducharme & Georgiana Lavallee | Berthierville, Qc |
Vital records |
1908 |
Marriage |
Jean-Baptiste L-Homme & Georgiana Lavallee | Notre-Dame-Auxiliatrice-De-Buckland, Qc |
Vital records |
1910 |
Marriage |
Nazaire Dubreuil & Georgiana Lavallee | Richelieu, Qc |
Vital records |
1910 |
Burial |
Georgiana-Reina Lavallee | Saint-Hyacinthe, QC |
Vital records |
1919 |
Baptism |
M. Georgiana-Murielle Lavallee | Berthierville, QC |
Vital records |
1921 |
Marriage |
J. -Camille Riel & Georgianna Lavallee | Joliette, Qc |
Vital records |
1922 |
Marriage |
Charles-Edouard Houle & Georgiana Lavallee | Saint-Cuthbert, Qc |
Vital records |
abt. 1926 |
Marriage |
David Fortin & Georgianna Lavallee | Undetermined location |
Vital records |
1931 |
Census |
Georgiana Lavallee | Montreal (City) – Mercier Ward, QC |
Census of Canada, 1931 |
1931 |
Census |
Georgianna Lavallee | (City) of Sorel General Hospital, QC |
Census of Canada, 1931 |
1931 |
Census |
Georgianna Lavallee | Cap Sante, QC |
Census of Canada, 1931 |
1931 |
Census |
Georgianna Lavallee | Saint-Pierre (Parish), QC |
Census of Canada, 1931 |
1935 |
Burial |
Marie-Georgiana-Clara Lavallee | Sorel, QC |
Vital records |
1941 |
Burial |
Georgiana Lavallee | Montreal, QC |
Vital records |
1943 |
Burial |
Georgiana Lavallee | Sorel, QC |
Vital records |
1950 |
Marriage |
Bernard Gendron & Georgianna Lavallee | Montreal, Qc |
Vital records |
1952 |
Burial |
Georgiana Lavallee | Sainte-Anne-de-la-Rochelle, QC |
Vital records |
1956 |
Burial |
Georgianna Lavallee | Sorel, QC |
Vital records |
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P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois