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History and origin of the Barthel family

Similar surnames: Barthelemy , Barthelette , Barthell

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Marriages of the Barthel family

Our database contains 91 marriages of the Barthel family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

1791 Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc

1815 Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc

1824 Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc

1850 Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc

1853 Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc

1854 Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc

1858 Saint-Charles-De-Bellechasse, Qc

1860 Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc

1866 Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc

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Marriages of the Barthel family

Our database contains 91 marriages of the Barthel family

Here are a few examples. Sign up for free or log in to do more research.

Year Husband Wife Municipality
1787 Thomas Bartell Marie-Josephte Johnson Quebec, Qc
1791 Antoine Barthel Marie-Anne Jolin Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc
1803 Francois Enault-Canada M.-Francoise Barthelk Saint-Joseph-De-Lanoraie, Qc
1815 Charles Richard Marie-Angele Barthel Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc
1816 Pierre Tanguay Marie-Reine Barthel Quebec, Qc
1818 Abraham Gaudreau Francoise Barthel Quebec, Qc
1824 Antoine Barthel Ursule Morin Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc
1830 Jean Patry Solange Barthel Quebec, Qc
1844 Martin Farell Catherine Bartel Terrebonne, Qc
1845 Hubert Bartel Lucie Rochon Montreal, Qc
1850 Edouard Barthel Catherine Lecomte Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc
1853 Hyppolite Blouin Catherine-Anselmie Barthel Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc
1854 Nazaire Barthel Phebee-Phoebee Fleury Levis, Qc
1854 Honore Barthel Marie-Delvina Morin Sainte-Henedine, Qc
1854 Louis Faucher Malvina Barthel Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc
1858 Godfroy Barthel Marie Labrie Saint-Charles-De-Bellechasse, Qc
1860 Joseph Barthel Adele Fournier Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc
1865 Joseph Briere Helene Bartell Montreal, Qc
1866 Pierre Dumas Philomene Barthel Saint-Francois-De-La-Riviere-Du-Sud, Qc
1879 Edouard Barthell Marie-Felonise Girouard Princeville, Qc

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In addition to marriages we have 355 other documents for the Barthel family

Pioneers of the Barthel family

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Origin of last name Barthel

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Famous personalities of the Barthel family

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3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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1 888 868-0005

P.O.Box 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch.des Quatre-Bourgeois
Quebec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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