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Avis de décès de Idaho-Olive-Marguerite-Ellis-Cossman-Sun Valley

Olive Marguerite Ellis Cossman SUN VALLEY, Idaho -- Olive Marguerite Ellis Cossman passed away on Saturday morning, Nov. 17, 2012. She was born on April 17, 1933, in South Portland, to Chester and Irma Ellis, the youngest of four children. She was educated in the South Portland school system and attended the University of Southern Maine. In 1954 she moved to Sun Valley, Idaho, working on various jobs, and in 1976 became employed at the Community Library. In 1983 she was promoted to Head Librarian. Olive met and married Jack Cossman in 1957 and had a son Nicholas, born in 1958. Jack passed away in 1982. She was also predeceased by her parents; her brother, Clayton (Bud) Ellis and sister, Beverly Jane Ellis Hebbard. She is survived by her son Nick; granddaughter Leila Cossman Nelson; great-grandchildren, Tyrus and Olive; and brother Robert L. Ellis and his wife Janet in Oakland. A celebration of her life was held on Nov. 24, in Idaho.

Parution de l'avis de décès:

Le 29 novembre 2012 (Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram, , États-Unis)



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