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Avis de décès de George-F. Norton

George F. Norton, 71, a 38-year resident of Arlington, formerly of Somerville, died suddenly on August 1, 2011. George was the beloved husband of Ingrid (Peabody) Norton and the loving father of Kristen Newkirk and her husband Eddie and Karen Norton. George was the brother of Mary Burns and the late Thomas Norton. He was the dear grandfather of Grace and Liam Newkirk. George was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and worked as a manager for the Internal Revenue Service. Donations may be made in George's memory to the ;(function() { var adKeyValue = 't='; adKeyValue+= escape('clio=AHA'); adKeyValue += escape('&cobrand=wickedlocal-arlington'); adKeyValue += escape('&linktext=American Heart Association'); adKeyValue += escape('&linkurl='); adKeyValue += escape('&fn=George'); adKeyValue += escape('&ln=Norton'); var adClkUrl = '' + adKeyValue + '&sz=1x1&c=628365873'; var adImpUrl = '' + adKeyValue + '&sz=1x1&c=628365873'; document.write("<a href='" + adClkUrl + "' target=_blank>American Heart Association<" + 'img' + " src='" + adImpUrl + "' style='width=1px; height=1px; display:inline;' /></a>"); }());, 20 Speen St., Framingham, MA 01701.

Parution de l'avis de décès:

Le 10 août 2011 (The Arlington Advocate, , États-Unis)



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Nous écrire
1 888 868-0005

C. P. 62007 CP La Pérade
3440 Ch. des Quatre-Bourgeois
Québec, Qc G1W 4Z2


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