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Avis de décès de Audrey Findley

Photo de Audrey Findley

FINDLEY, Audrey June 6, 1926 - June 14, 2011 It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Audrey Findley, who passed away peacefully in Vancouver at the age of 85. She is survived by her son Rod (and his wife, Patricia) and her two grandchildren, Liam and Sean, all of whom brought her tremendous joy. She is predeceased by husband Garland Findley, and her son Nigel Findley. Audrey was born in Birkenhead, England. She attended Homerton College (Cambridge) and soon after graduating, moved to Venezuela to teach at Shell Oil schools. It was there that she met her dashing Texan husband and began her family. She lived in Spain, England, Nigeria, the U.S. and England. After Garland's death, Audrey moved with her two young boys and mother, from England to Vancouver. During her 42 years in Vancouver, she thrived as a fun and supportive mother to her boys, a devoted daughter, an enthusiastic leader of the Women's Auxiliary of St. George's School and as a popular ESL teacher at Vancouver Community College. Audrey was an extraordinary woman who led an inspiring life. Faced with much hardship, she consistently rose above the challenges in her life with grace and humor, touching those around her with love and laughter. She was a fluent Spanish speaker, an accomplished tennis player, a talented dancer, an adventurous world traveler, but none of her accomplishments made her happier than being a good friend, a loyal daughter and a devoted mother. She will be profoundly missed by all who love her, and she will always remain in our hearts. Her memorial reception will be held at 3 PM, Sunday August 14, at The Royal Vancouver Yacht Club, 3811 Point Grey Rd. All are welcome. Per Audrey's wishes, in lieu of floral tributes, any donations should be made to a charity of your choosing. Vancouver Memorial Services & Crematorium (604) 325-8251

Photo de Audrey Findley

Parution de l'avis de décès:

Le 6 août 2011 (The Vancouver Sun, British Columbia)



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